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تعد جوائز الاتصالات الحرجة الدولية The ICCAs المقدمة من قبل TCCA هي من أكثر  الجوائز المرموقة في مجال الاتصالات الحرجة، و احتفالا بالتميز في هذا القطاع، سيقوم هذا البرنامج المرتقب بالاشادة بنجاح المنتجات والمنظمات والأفراد الذين تجاوزوا الحدود في هذا المجال

باب الجوائز مفتوح لأي منظمة أو فرد لديه قصة مؤثرة ذات تأثير إيجابي على عالم الاتصالات الهامة. 

سيتم الإعلان عن تواريخ ومعايير القبول لجوائز 2024 قريبًا

The International Critical Communications Awards (ICCAs), presented by TCCA, are the most prestigious awards in critical communications. Celebrating excellence in the sector, the highly anticipated annual programme recognises the success of products, organisations and individuals that have pushed boundaries and capabilities within the field. 

The awards are open to any organisation or individual with a compelling story to tell that has a positive impact on the critical communications world.

The dates and entry criteria for the 2024 awards will be announced soon.

What the judges look for:

Each category has a number of criteria and questions for entrants. It is important to clearly answer the questions. It is key that the case studies are evidence based and factually correct. There is an option to include pictures and videos. Where categories require demonstrable evidence of benefits, please ensure that these are clearly laid out either in words or graphical form.

In the product categories, judges will specifically look for entries that provide real end user benefits, new capabilities/functionality. The judges will expect to see evidence of this.

In some categories, responses to questions have a word count limit. Please ensure your responses are clear and concise and abide by this word limit.

A number of categories will also have automatic entry for the ‘Advances in Sustainability’ Award.

For the latter, it is important to highlight how the product, solution or implementation has addressed the environmental challenges beyond their legal and statutory requirements. Any tangible benefit needs to be quantified.

The judging process:

The International Critical Communications Awards judging process follows a clear policy to determine the shortlist and winners. Judging decisions are made following a rigorous process, in line with the judging principles and guidance outlined below.

All judges are independent of any manufacturer. There is a core panel of judges, and a number of guest judges for the various categories. If a conflict of interest is perceived, a judge will not be permitted to judge in the affected category. Members of the judging panel will be made public once judging is complete.

The rigorous nature of the Awards judging process is key to maintaining its excellent reputation around the world.

The process for judging is as follows:
1. All submissions must be made in electronic form via the portal (url).
2. Following the closing date, entries are allocated to a number of judges from the panel who will score each category. Judges may be asked to score multiple categories.
3. Over a set period of time defined as the ‘scoring period’, judges will score each entry with one of the following scores - 0,3,5,8,10.
    a.    A score of 0 will be allocated for non-compliant entries. 
    b.    A score of 3 is for those that nearly met the criteria but not quite. 
    c.    A score of 5 is given to those entries that did meet the criteria. 
    d.    A score of 8 is for an entry that demonstrates additional value. 
    e.    A score of 10 allocated for those entries considered to be outstanding. 
4. At the end of the scoring period the scores from each judge will be sent to the ICCA admin team. 
5. All scores will be added up by a member of the ICCAs admin team.
6. The top 60-70% (depending on the number of entries submitted) scoring entries will be shortlisted.   The shortlists will be published within 10 working days of the scoring period closing, and those shortlisted promoted by the ICCA admin team. 
7. Following the shortlisting, scoring is reviewed as follows to determine the winner and any highly commended entries. These will be announced at the ICCAs event at Critical Communications World in Dubai on 14th May 2024.
8. All shortlisted entries’ collated scores will be reviewed by the ICCA admin team and chair of judges and presented to the core group of judges for ratification.
9. Where there is a clear top scoring submission in each category, this will be appointed the winner. 
10. Where more than one submission in a category has the same score, there will be a moderation panel. This will consist of that core group of judges and
chaired by the chair of judges, and will consider the tied entries to decide which demonstrates the most merit according to the criteria. In exceptional circumstances there may be joint winners.
11. Where there is a close second place, after consultation with the core panel of judges, this may receive a highly commended mention during the awards ceremony.
12. The judges’ decision is final. No discussion will be entered into regarding the results.
13. Individual judges scores remain confidential and will not be shared with entrants.
14. All winners will be kept confidential until the ICCA presentation evening

Submission rules and guidance:

  • You may enter as many categories as you wish, but you can only enter up to two submissions per category (see above).
  • When preparing your submission, please review the category criteria carefully and ensure that your entry contains sufficient robust and relevant information, meets the criteria and answers the questions clearly
  • Submissions must align with the category entered.
  • The judges will be looking for a good story, well told, and backed up with solid metrics.
  • If you have previously entered the ICCAs and won a category, do not re-enter the same category with the same submission.
  • Adhere to any stated word count. Supporting pictures and video links (no longer than four minutes) may be attached. Submit graphics, tables, URLs etc with supporting materials, not as part of the submission text.
  • Do not include confidential information.

How to enter:

  • The ICCAs are easy to enter and open to anyone involved in critical communications. Entry is free.
  • All entries must be submitted online via the portal url.
  • When the entry system opens, please go to the Categories page and click on the ENTER NOW button beneath the category you wish to enter. The deadline for entries is on the front page of the website.
  • You must register on this website to enter the ICCAs. Your details will not be shared with any third party and will only be used by us for awards-related communications.

    The dates and entry criteria for the 2024 awards will be announced soon.

Supporting material:

  • Please keep attachment titles as short as possible.
  • Supporting materials should back-up or expand on statements made in the online submission. They should not be used to provide additional information.
  • Supporting documents should be in PDF or Word doc format.
  • Supporting material may include photographs, tables, documents containing statistics, testimonials, supporting research, evaluation/inspection reports, press cuttings and promotional material. Please highlight any sections you believe are particularly relevant.
  • If including a URL, please use a full link, and no hyperlinks.
  • Any information submitted outside these guidelines will not be considered as part of the submission.

Principles of judging:

Evidence presented: judging decisions are made based on the evidence presented in submissions.

Evaluation criteria: for each ICCAs category, we provide criteria for entrants as the basis for judging. These criteria are based on characteristics that distinguish outstanding performance in each ICCAs category.

Scoring system: judges use the scoring system above to make an assessment against the criteria for each category.

Open and accountable: by acting in line with the ICCAs’ judging policy and principles, judges maintain the integrity of judging and are open and accountable.

Appointment of judges/judging rules:

An international panel of judges will be appointed by the chair of judges, in conjunction with TCCA’s CEO.

Judges will be independent of the TCCA Board and of any manufacturer.

Those nominated for an award cannot be a judge.

Judges cannot submit entries.

Judges cannot judge their own company’s or organisation’s awards.

The chair of judges must be informed of any conflict of interest.


All material will remain confidential to the judges. All judging discussions are confidential and will not be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the judging panel ahead of the ceremony or thereafter.

Judges will not share confidential material, judging papers or entries with anyone. Judges will securely delete all judging materials immediately after the judging period or give materials to the ICCA Admin Team.

Judges can only access entries in categories that they have been asked to to score.

Winning case studies may be used in post-event materials to promote best practice. Permission will be sought from entrants before publishing these.


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