RSP-Z2 v.4 Features: SIP and RTP Enhancements
In this episode we will focus on the enhanced SIP and RTP features. These new SIP digital telephony features will allow unique methods of linking land mobile radio communications with digital telephony resources, such as VoIP phones, mobile phones and teleconferencing platforms.
We will also discuss the implementation of RTP where LMR communications can be streamed to and from the RSP-Z2 where SIP signaling is not appropriate or not required. This would be applicable for voice logging recorders and other remote resources that possess RTP interfaces.
There is also a bonus discussion regarding the enhanced USB headset feature. This allows the use of a wired or wireless UBS headset cradle as an additional resource the RSP-Z2, and subsequently to a wide area system that may include a Z-Series Controller or ACU-Z1.